How To Fix Your Label Problems

written by IFCO SYSTEMS, 27th julio 2018, in Stories

When using RPCs or single use packaging, labels are required in order to ensure fresh supply chain efficiency and product traceability.

A few issues that make removing old labels difficult during the RPC wash process are non- compliant labels and labels that are placed in the wrong location. Non-compliant labels may bond permanently to RPCs or be extremely difficult to remove, and labels that are placed in the wrong spot will be less likely to come off in the cleaning and sanitization process.

Fortunately, supply chain participants can help minimize label residue with these few easy steps:

1. Use only compliant labels.

After exhaustive testing, IFCO has approved eight label substrate/adhesive combinations for RPC applications. They can be found at IFCO’s Label & Adhesive Specification Requirements document, which is assessable through the RPC label best practices website.

2. Use only approved vendors.

A vendor list has been created to ensure the safe transport of food products while meeting current food labeling requirements. Compliant labels may be purchased from the list of vendors linked above.

3. Place labels in the correct location.

RPCs are manufactured with label placement surfaces on display panels. Placement of compliant labels on these surfaces will provide proper adherence to the surface while the RPC is in use and will allow for effective removal during the wash process.

Many studies have proven that RPCs provide the best option available for the shipping of fresh produce concerning quality, overall supply chain cost impact, and sustainability. Increased attention to RPC label best practices will ensure that growers and retailers receive RPCs that are visually cleaner, helping to ensure that they can repeatedly be utilized to deliver fresh produce for their entire lifecycle.

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