IFCO donates food to Münchner Tafel

written by IFCO SYSTEMS, 18th Dicembre 2018, in Notizie

As part of its ongoing support of food banks worldwide and a more sustainable world, IFCO SYSTEMS, the leading global provider of reusable packaging solutions, yesterday donated food items to Münchner Tafel e.V.. The donations were handed over by IFCO employees and CEO Wolfgang Orgeldinger. In total, IFCO donated 2,880 food items like canned goods, milk, and pasta. Münchner Tafel e.V. is an independent food bank located in Munich. Every week it distributes food to people in need at 27 distribution points and 107 social facilities in the Munich city area.

"A better supply chain serves us all. This is why we have been supporting food banks since 2009. IFCO recognizes the ever widening gap between poor and rich – all over the world but also at home in Munich. This is why we support food banks like the Münchner Tafel with much-needed food," says Wolfgang Orgeldinger, CEO of IFCO SYSTEMS. "We are happy to not only give away food donations but also help with volunteering hours, by co-financing refrigerated trucks and by supplying our reusable packaging containers (RPCs), enabling food banks to streamline their supply chain and better fulfill their mission of helping those in need."

Volunteering IFCO employees bought food items like protein-rich canned food, milk and dry pasta in a local supermarket in Munich. The idea behind providing non-perishable and protein-rich food was to deliver healthy nourishment that people can store and use when needed. The food items IFCO purchased were then packed in reusable IFCO RPCs and transported to the Münchner Tafel on 17th December. IFCO employees and CEO Wolfgang Orgeldinger personally delivered and unloaded the donations.

In 2018 IFCO Germany extended its support program to 46 additional food banks, bringing their cumulative support to 152 food banks all over Germany. The free provision of about 16,000 additional RPCs during the year contributes to process optimization at these food banks and significantly reduces waste. Disposal costs for one-way packaging are also saved. Thanks to the contractual cooperation with Tafel Deutschland e.V., four more food banks could be supported with the financing of refrigerated vehicles – bringing the overall figure of sponsored vans in Germany to 62 since the start of the initiative back in 2009.

IFCO is part of the global supply chain solutions company Brambles Limited. Brambles collaborates with well over 100 food banks worldwide and is a partner of the Global Foodbanking Network, a non-profit organization that fights world hunger, supporting and strengthening food banks in more than 30 countries.

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