IFCO Featured on Worldwide Business with Kathy Ireland®

によって書かれた IFCO SYSTEMS, 21st 12月 2016, in カテゴリーなし

In case you missed it, IFCO CEO Wolfgang Orgeldinger recently appeared on Worldwide Business with Kathy Ireland® to discuss how IFCO delivers fresh foods safely around the world. In the interview, Wolfgang details why our RPCs are the responsible choice for a healthier planet.

Shawn Baldwin, SVP Produce, Floral, Global Food Sourcing – Walmart U.S., also appears to discuss why Walmart chooses to use RPCs. In the interview, he explains:

  • RPCs have better ventilation which allows produce to cool faster, and they prevent damage to the product.
  • RPCs are ergonomic – they are easier to stack which cuts down on logistics and labor costs.
  • RPCs reduce costs long term which allows Walmart to pass that down to their customers.
  • RPCs allow Walmart to support their commitment to the environment by producing 85% less waste compared to corrugate alternatives.


イフコは、プール型リユーザブルパッケージングソリューションの製品群を、どのプロバイダーよりも豊富に取り揃えています。私たちは、あらゆる種類の生鮮食品に適した再利用可能なプラスチック容器(RPC)を複数のサイズで提供しており、生鮮食品果物 と 野菜 に最適化したソリューションを提供しています、バナナ、 肉、 魚介類、 卵、 焼き菓子 などの生鮮食品に最適なソリューションを提供します。.



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