Several times awarded IFCO SYSTEMS wins sustainability award by renowned newspaper La Razón

written by IFCO SYSTEMS, 3rd mars 2020, in Actualités

Valencia/Munich, 3 .März. 2020: IFCO SYSTEMS, the leading global provider of reusable packaging solutions for fresh foods, has won the prestigious award for sustainability by the Spanish daily newspaper La Razón. The renowned award proves IFCO’s worldwide commitment to protecting the environment.

La Razón recognizes the outstanding work and contribution of companies and individuals to the development of the region Valencia in major fields such as health, education, art, innovation, science, business, entrepreneurship, sports or solidarity. The awards acknowledge the work and service that the different industrial, economic-business and service sectors provide for the development of the region and its people.

The award was handed over to IFCO´s Country Manager Spain Lucía Aragonés by Ximo Puig, President of the Valencian Community in an official ceremony on March 2nd, 2020.

"We are very proud of the award by La Razón, as it acknowledges our tangible commitment to sustainability that has always distinguished us – not only in Spain but around the globe. In 1992, we were the first to recognize the environmental benefit of sharing and reusing containers, along a pioneer of circular concept for the fruit and vegetable market. This has turned into an efficient and profitable business – and a holistic sustainability approach. At IFCO, we do business without compromising our responsibilities to the environment, the people and the communities we deal with. We place this vision at the center of our business practices since we see sustainability as the core concept that encompasses everything we do", explains Wolfgang Orgeldinger, CEO of IFCO SYSTEMS.

About IFCO SmartCycle

This circular economy model is based on the principle of "Share and Reuse" to guarantee maximum functionality and hygiene throughout the complete fresh foods supply chain. The IFCO SmartCycle uses Reusable Packaging Containers (RPCs) that are delivered directly to the supplier. From there, the containers are transported to the distribution center, the retailers, and then back to the IFCO collection and washing centers. In the washing centers, the empty RPCs are inspected, cleaned, disinfected and prepared for the next cycle. In addition, the IFCO RPCs are foldable, reducing bulk and thus optimizing transport and storage with an additional positive impact on the environment.

IFCO’s washing systems are designed to reduce water consumption and to allow energy recovery and water reuse. In some of the washing centers, water and steam recovery and regeneration processes have also been implemented – a technology that will be extended to other washing facilities in the future.

Le SmartCycle IFCO  - Une approche circulaire

Le modèle IFCO est basé sur le concept d’économie circulaire. Nos bacs réutilisables sont destinés à être partagés et réutilisés afin de mettre en place une chaîne d’approvisionnement plus durable.

en savoir plus

Reduce CO2 emissions, waste, energy and water consumption

The IFCO SmartCycle is a closed and totally sustainable cycle: All of IFCO’s RPCs are used between 30 and 120 times before being removed from service due to wear, damage or design changes. In addition, damaged containers that cannot be repaired are 100% recycled and used for the production of new RPCs, significantly reducing the demand for raw materials.

"IFCO’s business model is based on the concept of circular economy. Our IFCO SmartCycle is a great example for that: The sharing and reusing of RPCs directly translates into tangible and measurable ressource savings. Compared to one-way packaging, RPCs reduce CO2 emissions by up to 60%, save up to 64% of energy and up to 80% of water, as well as up to 86% of solid waste. To save food, RPCs also reduce product damage by 96% compared to one-way packaging. These vast resource saving have also been proven by a critically reviewed life cycle assessment study conducted by IFCO and SIM", says Wolfgang Orgeldinger.

0 tonnes de CO2

0 million de m3 d’eau

0 de terajoules

0 tonnes de déchets solides

0 tonnes de déchets de produits alimentaires

IFCO constantly monitors the environmental benefits generated by its RPCs and the SmartCycle. In Europe and North America, the following savings have been achieved in 2019:

  • 516,168 tonnes of CO2, equivalent to 280,275 fewer cars on the road in a year
  • 9.2 million cubic meters of water, equivalent to over 209 million five-minute showers
  • 33,096 terajoules of electricity, enough to power over 17.4 million light bulbs for a year
  • 265,873 tonnes of solid waste, equivalent to the trash produced by 194 million individuals per day
  • 47,296 tonnes of food product waste, equivalent to 78 million average meals in the world.

"This award by La Razón is another important incentive for us to continue on our path towards an even more sustainable supply chain that serves us all. The award is confirming our pioneering approach, which is made possible by the constant improvement and innovation of our products, our sustainable activities that reach way beyond the use of RPCs, and our efficient supply chain", concludes Wolfgang Orgeldinger.

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