Teeme jätkusuutlikkuse valimise lihtsaks

Hoidke oma puu- ja köögivilju värskena ja vähendage kahjustusi, minnes üle meie korduskasutatavatele pakendikonteineritele (RPC-dele). Meil on olemas RPC-d igale vajadusele ja mis veelgi tähtsam — need on valmis väljapanekuks ning muudavad teie tooted müügipunktis pilkupüüdvaks.

Me elame keskkonnateadlikkuse ajastul, seega võime olla superkangelased ja teha jätkusuutlikke valikuid!

Soovite rohkem teada saada, millised eelised kaasnevad meie RPC-de kasutamisega?

Saage IFCO RPC-de kasutamise eeliste kohta rohkem teada meie Itaalia kliendi Vittoria Colonna farmi värskete toiduainete puhul.

Miks valida meie korduskasutatavad lahendused

Kõige laiem tootevalik

Erinevad suurused, mis sobivad ideaalselt puu- ja köögiviljade jaoks

Parem kaitse

Vähendab tootekahjustusi rohkem kui 96%

Väiksemad kulud

Kuni 27% kulude kokkuhoidu võrreldes ühekordsete pakenditega


Ei vaja lahti- ega ümberpakkimist, ideaalne müügipunktide väljapanekute jaoks

Suurem jätkusuutlikkus

Tekitab kuni 60% vähem CO2 ja 86% vähem tahkeid jäätmeid

Suurepärane kliendikogemus

Meie asjatundjad on valmis teid igakülgselt toetama


Kanname ise hoolt kogu koondamisprotsessi eest

Meil on RPC-d, mis sobivad igat tüüpi puu- ja köögiviljadele. Vaadake ise!

Bale Arm

  • Full crates can be interstacked for stability
  • Empty crates are nestable for efficient storage and transport
  • Maintains maximum product freshness and quality throughout the supply chain

Bin Macro

  • La mejor opción para cosecha, transporte y guarda de mercadería de forma segura y eficaz
  • El sistema IFCO posibilita alquilar la cantidad de bins necesarios por un tiempo determinado para su estacionalidad de trabajo
  • Al ser plegables optimizan espacio ahorrando costos logísticos

Black Lift Lock

  • Best suited for fresh fruit & vegetables
  • Lift Lock mechanism = quick and safe folding and stacking
  • Ideal for point-of-sale (POS) display
  • Cradle to Cradle certified™ Silver

Black Lift Lock (US/CA)

  • Best suited for fresh fruit & vegetables
  • Lift Lock mechanism = quick and safe folding and stacking
  • Ideal for point-of-sale (POS) display
  • Cradle to Cradle certified™ Silver

Black Lift Lock & I-Series

  • Well-ventilated design maintains product freshness and quality
  • Suitable for both refrigerated and dry displays
  • Rounded inner corners protect delicate products

Chile Bin Macro

  • A cost-effective way to transport your products safely
  • The pooling system makes it unnecessary to invest capital in reusable packaging containers (RPC)
  • No space is required for unused RPCs

Chile Series

  • Una manera rentable de transportar sus productos de manera segura
  • El sistema de agrupamiento hace que no sea necesario invertir capital en los RPC
  • No se requiere espacio de almacenamiento para los RPC no usados

Chile Tote

  • El sistema de agrupamiento hace que no sea necesario invertir capital en los RPC
  • Bajo costo en comparación con los embalajes desechables
  • No se requiere espacio de almacenamiento para los RPC no usados

Fresh Box (Steco)

  • Well-ventilated design for optimum ripening
  • Suitable for both refrigerated and dry displays
  • Rounded inner corners protect fruit and vegetables

Fresh Box Black

  • Well-ventilated design for optimum ripening
  • Suitable for both refrigerated and dry displays
  • Rounded inner corners protect fruit and vegetables

Fresh Box Black

  • Esquinas interiores redondeadas que protegen las frutas y verduras
  • El sistema de alquiler hace que no sea necesario inversiones de capital en RPC
  • Reducción del espacio de almacenamiento para los RPC no usados

Green Lift Lock

  • Best suited for fresh fruit & vegetables
  • Lift Lock mechanism = quick and safe folding and stacking
  • Only 28mm when folded
  • Cradle to Cradle certified™ Silver

Green Lite

  • Rounded inner corners protect fruit and vegetables
  • Well-ventilated design maintains product freshness and quality
  • Suitable for both refrigerated and dry displays

Green Plus

  • Well-ventilated design for optimum cooling
  • Suitable for both refrigerated and dry displays
  • Rounded inner corners protect fruit and vegetables

Green Plus - AR / UY

  • Well-ventilated design for optimum cooling
  • Suitable for both refrigerated and dry displays
  • Rounded inner corners protect fruit and vegetables


  • Using RPCs enhances aesthetics, freshness, and quality.


  • The handle allows for easy removal of The entire tray, enabling quick and effortless one-handed inspection.
  • Efficient stacking is possible without putting pressure on the produce.


  • Enhanced operational efficiency
  • Uniform bottom design allows for easy stacking.
  • Reduced storage space requirements
  • No need for sorting into various stacks, and the foldable design conserves storage space.


  • Maintains freshness and quality by reducing humidity and condensation.
  • Ensures a stable supply of goods
  • Water-resistant, allowing for harvest operations even in the rain.
  • Reduces management effort
  • One-touch assembly enables quick setup in the field, significantly shortening work time.


  • Maintaining freshness and quality
  • Prevents humidity and condensation.
  • Excellent ventilation significantly improves refrigeration efficiency.
  • Ideal for selling individual items.


  • The handle allows for easy removal of The entire tray, enabling quick and effortless one-handed inspection.
  • Efficient stacking is possible without putting pressure on the produce.

Magnum Box 1

  • Large capacity
  • Deep sides for superior product protection
  • Faster four-way forklift access, suitable for conveyors

Magnum Box 2

  • Large capacity
  • Access flaps on two sides for faster unloading
  • Four-way forklift access, suitable for conveyors


  • Best suited for eggs, and heavy fruit & vegetables
  • Folds to 35 cm high for easy storage and transport
  • Compatible with all standard pallets
  • Ideal for in-store display

One-touch storage, transport and display


  • Bajo costo en comparación con los embalajes desechables
  • No se requiere espacio de almacenamiento para los RPC no usados
  • El sistema de agrupamiento hace que no sea necesario invertir capital en los RPC

Serie Black Lock (Colombia)

  • Construcción rígida que protege frutas y verduras frescas
  • El sistema de alquiler hace que no sea necesario invertir capital en los ERTs
  • Fácil de manejar con plegado y apilamiento rápido y seguro

Soovite rohkem teada meie toodete ja teenuste kohta?

Kas soovite võtta ühendust mõne meie asjatundjaga? Arutame ja uurime, kuidas kõige paremini täiustada teie värske toidukauba tarneahelat.

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