Odločitev za trajnost je z nami preprosta

S prehodom na naše plastične zaboje za večkratno uporabo (RPC-ji) poskrbite, da vaše sadje in zelenjava ostanejo sveži in zmanjšajte poškodbe. Imamo RPC-je za vse vrste potreb, poleg tega pa so pripravljeni za razstavne police in poskrbijo, da so vaši pridelki na prodajnem mestu videti privlačno.

Živimo v dobi ekološkega zavedanja, zakaj torej ne bi bili super-junak in izbrali trajnostno možnost!

Želite izvedeti več o prednostih uporabe naših RPC?

Izvedite več o prednostih uporabe IFCO RPC-jev za njihove sveže pridelke od naše stranke iz Italije, kmetije Vittoria Colonna.

Zakaj bi izbrali naše rešitve za večkratno uporabo

Najobsežnejša ponudba izdelkov:

različne velikosti, odlične za sadje in zelenjavo

Boljša zaščita:

zmanjšuje poškodbe pridelkov za več kot 96 %

Nižji stroški:

do 27 % manj stroškov v primerjavi z nepovratno embalažo

Pripravljene za maloprodajo:

brez razpakiranja ali prepakiranja, idealne za razstavne police na prodajnih mestih

Večja trajnost:

do 60 % manj CO2, 86 % manj trdnih odpadkov

Vrhunska izkušnja za stranke:

naši strokovnjakivam z veseljem pomagajo

Brez sitnosti:

za vas poskrbimo za celoten proces zbiranja

Imamo RPC-je za vse vrste sadja in zelenjave. Prepričajte se sami!


  • Nestable crate design ensures efficient stacking and space-saving storage.
  • Smooth, hygienic surfaces with minimal crevices enhance ease of cleaning.
  • Automation-friendly design, optimized for both automated systems and manual handling.
  • Freezer-compatible construction remains durable in freezing conditions and allows easy product access.
  • Integrated RFID technology enables seamless tracking and inventory management.
  • Optimized for dairy handling, preserves product integrity and freshness

Bale Arm

  • Full crates can be interstacked for stability
  • Empty crates are nestable for efficient storage and transport
  • Maintains maximum product freshness and quality throughout the supply chain

Bin Macro

  • La mejor opción para cosecha, transporte y guarda de mercadería de forma segura y eficaz
  • El sistema IFCO posibilita alquilar la cantidad de bins necesarios por un tiempo determinado para su estacionalidad de trabajo
  • Al ser plegables optimizan espacio ahorrando costos logísticos

Black Lift Lock

  • Inovativni mehanizem Lift Lock za hitro in varno zlaganje in skladanje
  • Individualno sledljiv z edinstvenimi podatki Matrična koda
  • Izjemno prostorsko učinkovit: zložen meri v višino le 28 mm

Black Lift Lock (US/CA)

  • Best suited for fresh fruit & vegetables
  • Lift Lock mechanism = quick and safe folding and stacking
  • Ideal for point-of-sale (POS) display
  • Cradle to Cradle certified™ Silver

Black Lift Lock & I-Series

  • Well-ventilated design maintains product freshness and quality
  • Suitable for both refrigerated and dry displays
  • Rounded inner corners protect delicate products

Chile Bin Macro

  • A cost-effective way to transport your products safely
  • The pooling system makes it unnecessary to invest capital in reusable packaging containers (RPC)
  • No space is required for unused RPCs

Chile Series

  • Una manera rentable de transportar sus productos de manera segura
  • El sistema de agrupamiento hace que no sea necesario invertir capital en los RPC
  • No se requiere espacio de almacenamiento para los RPC no usados

Chile Tote

  • El sistema de agrupamiento hace que no sea necesario invertir capital en los RPC
  • Bajo costo en comparación con los embalajes desechables
  • No se requiere espacio de almacenamiento para los RPC no usados

Fresh Box (Steco)

  • Zasnova z dobrim prezračevanjem za optimalno zorenje
  • Primeren tako za hladilne kot suhe vitrine
  • Zaobljeni notranji vogali omogočajo zaščito sadja in zelenjave

Fresh Box Black

  • Well-ventilated design for optimum ripening
  • Suitable for both refrigerated and dry displays
  • Rounded inner corners protect fruit and vegetables

Fresh Box Black

  • Esquinas interiores redondeadas que protegen las frutas y verduras
  • El sistema de alquiler hace que no sea necesario inversiones de capital en RPC
  • Reducción del espacio de almacenamiento para los RPC no usados

Green Lift Lock

  • Inovativni mehanizem Lift Lock za hitro in varno zlaganje in sestavljanje
  • Primeren tako za hlajene kot suhe postavitve
  • Izjemno prostorsko učinkovit: zložen meri v višino le 28 mm

Green Lite

  • Rounded inner corners protect fruit and vegetables
  • Well-ventilated design maintains product freshness and quality
  • Suitable for both refrigerated and dry displays

Green Plus

  • Zasnova z dobrim prezračevanjem za optimalno zorenje
  • Primeren tako za hladilne kot suhe vitrine
  • Zaobljeni notranji vogali omogočajo zaščito sadja in zelenjave

Green Plus - AR / UY

  • Well-ventilated design for optimum cooling
  • Suitable for both refrigerated and dry displays
  • Rounded inner corners protect fruit and vegetables


  • Using RPCs enhances aesthetics, freshness, and quality.


  • The handle allows for easy removal of The entire tray, enabling quick and effortless one-handed inspection.
  • Efficient stacking is possible without putting pressure on the produce.


  • Enhanced operational efficiency
  • Uniform bottom design allows for easy stacking.
  • Reduced storage space requirements
  • No need for sorting into various stacks, and the foldable design conserves storage space.


  • Maintains freshness and quality by reducing humidity and condensation.
  • Ensures a stable supply of goods
  • Water-resistant, allowing for harvest operations even in the rain.
  • Reduces management effort
  • One-touch assembly enables quick setup in the field, significantly shortening work time.


  • Maintaining freshness and quality
  • Prevents humidity and condensation.
  • Excellent ventilation significantly improves refrigeration efficiency.
  • Ideal for selling individual items.


  • The handle allows for easy removal of The entire tray, enabling quick and effortless one-handed inspection.
  • Efficient stacking is possible without putting pressure on the produce.


  • Nestable crate design ensures efficient stacking and space-saving storage.
  • Smooth, hygienic surfaces with minimal crevices enhance ease of cleaning.
  • Automation-friendly design, optimized for both automated systems and manual handling.
  • Freezer-compatible construction remains durable in freezing conditions and allows easy product access.
  • Integrated RFID technology enables seamless tracking and inventory management.


  • Nestable crate design ensures efficient stacking and space-saving storage.
  • Smooth, hygienic surfaces with minimal crevices enhance ease of cleaning.
  • Automation-friendly design, optimized for both automated systems and manual handling.
  • Freezer-compatible construction remains durable in freezing conditions and allows easy product access.
  • Integrated RFID technology enables seamless tracking and inventory management.

Magnum Box 1

  • Large capacity
  • Deep sides for superior product protection
  • Faster four-way forklift access, suitable for conveyors

Magnum Box 2

  • Large capacity
  • Access flaps on two sides for faster unloading
  • Four-way forklift access, suitable for conveyors


  • Za učinkovito skladiščenje in transport zložen v višino meri le 35 cm
  • Združljiv z drugimi RPC-ji podjetja IFCO tako v primeru zlaganja kot skladanja
  • Hitrejši dostop s štirih strani, primeren za ročne in avtomatske procese


  • Bajo costo en comparación con los embalajes desechables
  • No se requiere espacio de almacenamiento para los RPC no usados
  • El sistema de agrupamiento hace que no sea necesario invertir capital en los RPC

Serie Black Lock (Colombia)

  • Construcción rígida que protege frutas y verduras frescas
  • El sistema de alquiler hace que no sea necesario invertir capital en los ERTs
  • Fácil de manejar con plegado y apilamiento rápido y seguro

Vas zanimajo naši izdelki in storitve?

Se želite posvetovati z našim strokovnjakom? Pogovorimo se in ugotovimo, kako lahko izboljšamo vašo verigo preskrbe s svežimi živili.

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Kako vam lahko danes pomagamo?