Maximizing shelf life for enhanced sustainability and profitability

Extend your product lifespan by up to 4 days, revolutionizing sustainability, supply chains, and retail profitability. Freshness is your competitive edge in retail. Imagine gaining an upper hand by adding four days to your products’ shelf life.

In this white paper, explore:

  • Profitability, sustainability, and customer experience: learn how an extended product life enhances profits, reduces environmental impact, and elevates customer satisfaction.
  • Temperature control’s role: delve into the critical impact of temperature control on extending shelf life.
  • Single-use vs. reusable packaging containers: examine the game-changing benefits of reusable packaging containers compared to conventional single-use packaging.
  • Retailer opportunities: discover untapped opportunities for retailers embedded within extended shelf life strategies.

Transform your approach to sustainability and profitability by embracing an extended shelf life strategy. Unlock these insights by downloading our white paper.

Strinjam se, da mi podjetje IFCO pošilja sporočila in obdeluje moje osebne podatke. Občasno vas želimo kontaktirati, da bi vas obvestili o naših izdelkih in storitvah ter drugi vsebini, ki vas morda zanima. Če se strinjate, označite potrditveno polje. Soglasje lahko kadar koli umaknete. Več informacij o dejanski obdelavi vaših osebnih podatkov si lahko ogledate v našem pravilniku o zasebnosti. *

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Strinjam se, da mi podjetje IFCO pošilja sporočila in obdeluje moje osebne podatke. Občasno vas želimo kontaktirati, da bi vas obvestili o naših izdelkih in storitvah ter drugi vsebini, ki vas morda zanima. Če se strinjate, označite potrditveno polje. Soglasje lahko kadar koli umaknete. Več informacij o dejanski obdelavi vaših osebnih podatkov si lahko ogledate v našem pravilniku o zasebnosti. *

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