Thank you for joining us at Fruit Attraction 2024!

written by IFCO SYSTEMS, 14th Ottobre 2024, in Notizie

A big thank you to everyone who visited our booth at Fruit Attraction 2024! It was a pleasure to see so many partners and customers and exchange creative ideas about innovation in the fresh supply chain. Your enthusiasm and insights truly made this event special.

Fruit Attraction 2024

Introducing Nestor: IFCO’s latest breakthrough in transport efficiency

One of the major highlights of the event was the launch of our IFCO Nestor pallet– an ultralight, nestable, and digitally-enabled solution designed for maximum transport efficiency and sustainability. Nestor’s space-saving design allows for optimal stacking, reducing the amount of space needed during transport. Its lightweight nature ensures lower fuel consumption, helping businesses cut down on both operational costs and CO2 emissions. Combined with digital tracking capabilities, Nestor is truly a game-changer for sustainable logistics.

If you missed it, check out this video of our Sales Director, Marco Geremia, introducing Nestor at the booth and sharing its incredible benefits.

Proexport recognized for exceptional sustainability achievements

We were also honored to present our Sustainability Certificate to Proexport, the Association of Fruit and Vegetable Producers-Exporters of the Region of Murcia, for their outstanding environmental contributions.

By using IFCO reusable packaging, Proexport’s partners saved over 23,400 tons of CO2 and 457,000 cubic meters of water in 2023 alone—an effort equivalent to taking 17,000 cars off the road and conserving enough water for 11.4 million five-minute showers.

The certificate was handed to Proexport’s president, Mariano Zapata, by our Spain and Portugal director, Lucia Aragonés, in recognition of their commitment to the circular economy and sustainable fresh produce supply chain.

Food donation: giving back to the community

As always, Fruit Attraction stands by its mission to reduce food waste. After the expo, all leftover food was collected and donated to Banco de Alimentos, supporting a worthy cause and furthering our commitment to sustainability.

Thank you once again for your support, and we look forward to continuing to collaborate on innovative solutions that move us all toward a greener, smarter fresh grocery supply chain.

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