Thriving in the circular economy

IFCO pioneered a circular model almost 30 years ago. Since then, our share and reuse approach has evolved from being an interesting and revolutionary idea to a mainstream global solution for shipping fresh food sustainably.

IFCO is committed to becoming a global leader in sustainability, making a positive impact on the planet and society. We are extremely proud to share our 2025 ESG strategy, which focuses on our key material issues and contributes to our purpose to make the world’s fresh grocery supply chains sustainable.

We strive for excellence and transparency across our global operations by placing rigorous Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) responsibilities at the center of our business.

Our ESG report communicates our progress on key ESG issues to our stakeholders, including our customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers and the community.

Join us in our ESG journey

Download a copy of our ESG 2021 report.

Download report

Download ESG 2021 report appendix

Would you like to talk to our ESG expert?

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Haluan saada IFCOlta viestejä ja annan suostumukseni henkilötietojeni käsittelyyn. Haluaisimme ottaa sinuun ajoittain yhteyttä kertoaksemme sinulle tuotteistamme ja palveluistamme sekä muusta sinua mahdollisesti kiinnostavasta sisällöstä. Jos annat suostumuksesi, laita rasti ruutuun. Voit peruuttaa suostumuksesi milloin tahansa. Lisätietoa taustalla olevasta henkilötietojen käsittelystä on tietosuojakäytännössämme. *

* Vaadittu kenttä

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