Your professional service partner

As the world’s leading supplier of Reusable Packaging Containers (RPCs), only IFCO can support your business wherever you and your suppliers are – wherever the future may take you. Our pooling system ensures greater efficiency for you. Because you rent IFCO RPCs, not purchase, you save money, space and time. And we manage the entire process from delivery to collection, sortation, inspection and sanitization.

Meet our experts

Edyta Posnik

Country General Manager

Kacper Przybylski

Key Account Manager

Our experienced team works hand in hand with you to optimize your supply chains and reach your sustainability goals. IFCO’s unique pooling system increases your fresh food supply chain efficiency, reduces your carbon footprint, and maintains the freshness and quality of your food.

Contact us!

Our experts are ready to help you find the optimal solution for your business.

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* campo obligatorio

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